Hip: General information on hip osteoarthritis

Hip: General information on hip osteoarthritis


Hip osteoarthritis or coxarthrosis ("cox" signifying hip) is the second location of osteoarthritis.

A distinction must be made between the primitive and secondary forms. Generally, 50% of hip osteoarthritis cases are secondary. 

Primitive osteoarthritis is known as primitive as there are no obvious causes. It occurs most often between 40 and 60 years of age. Recent research has revealed the existence of genetic factors in the development of this type of osteoarthritis.

Secondary osteoarthritis is known as secondary as its origins or causes can be identified. These are most often due to:


  • acquired or congenital malformations of the hip, 
  • bone and cartilaginous diseases (Paget's disease or osteonecrosis),
  • significant physical exertion,
  • fractures or being overweight.


It may begin quite early, but usually occurs at around 45 years of age.

These malformations must be detected early by radiography, as they may require corrective surgery (as a preventive measure). Hence, osteoarthritis of the hip can appear in childhood when congenital or acquired.